Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Seguridad Industrial

  Seguridad Industrial

La Seguridad Industrial es un campo necesario y obligatorio en toda empresa en el que se estudian, aplican y renuevas constantemente los procesos mediante los cuales se minimizan los riesgos en la industria. Toda industria debe tener la responsabilidad para cumplir con una serie de normas y condiciones que deben prestarle a sus trabajadores con el fin de darles garantía de su seguridad y protección. Por ejemplo, en una empresa en la que se elaboren productos químicos el empleado debe estar protegido contra radiación, alguna fuga de un liquido toxico o inhalaciones de gases contaminantes. Toda empresa de químicos debe proveer a sus trabajadores de las máximas protecciones para evitar algún accidente. Esa es básicamente la función de la seguridad industrial.
Un aspecto muy importante de la seguridad industrial es el uso de estadísticas, que le permite advertir en qué sectores suelen producirse los accidentes para extremar las precauciones. La innovación tecnológica, el recambio de maquinarias, la capacitación de los trabajadores y los controles habituales son algunas de las actividades vinculadas a la seguridad industrial. Sin embargo la seguridad industrial es relativa, ya que a pesar de que una compañía ofrezca los mas altos estándares de calidad, es imposible determinar cuando sucederá un accidente, y también es improbable saber si la seguridad que tenga esa industria sera la adecuada para restringir los efectos del daño causado, todo dependerá de la magnitud del siniestro.
También es destacable el uso de la seguridad industrial en materia ambiental, ya que la mismo no solo protege y defiende la integridad del empleado, sino que también aboga por las condiciones medio ambientales de espacio en las que se encuentra la fabrica o empresa.
“La seguridad industrial representa un arma importante en el ámbito laboral, ya que un gran porcentaje de accidentes son causados por desperfectos en los equipos que pueden ser prevenidos” comentó Salomón Juan Marcos Villarreal, presidente de Grupo Denim.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Small and profitable service businesses

Small and profitable service businesses

Small and profitable service businesses that you must try

When we think about businesses, the first thing that comes to our mind is the profits we might get with them, and we all dream of having a huge company with lots of employees; however, there are some small businesses that are just so great to get earnings, as we will show you today.
“When you start a new business, it is important to have in mind what you are willing to give and what you want to obtain from it, profits are necessary, but doing what really passions you is one of the greatest rewards”, advised Salomon Juan Marcos Villarreal, a Mexican entrepreneur and current president of Grupo Denim.
When we talk about small and profitable businesses, the list might be huge, but it is mainly involved by industries dedicated to offer different services, mainly because of the low costs to start these types of companies.
To start a business specialized in a specific type of service, it is necessary to have the knowledge, this way, you will assure a profitable enterprise, here are some examples of some of the most used ones:
  1. Accountant services – No matter how much technology moves, we all need an accountant that helps us with taxes, this industry is a very consistent one.
  2. Machinery rental – There are many companies who need to rent machinery to get their projects done, this is an important saving for them and a great profitable business for those persons willing to invest on that machinery, this involves of type of machinery.
  3. Electric services – This industry involves many different factors, from a simple change of a blown fusible, to handling some of the most advanced companies, such as nuclear, hydroelectric or solar, now that sustainability is more important than ever.
“Even when the industries keep on evolving constantly, there are some basic services that will always be needed, those small companies operate at low costs and are very needed, which makes them very profitable for those who are looking to become entrepreneurs”, added Salomon Juan Marcos Villarreal.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Be thankful to have a successful business

Be thankful to have a successful business

Importance of being thankful to have a successful business

Being thankful is a habit that we must practice daily, we live so fast that we, most of the time, do not take time to thank the others about anything, especially on the business world, so today we will talk about this important topic and how important it is to be grateful if you want to have a successful and growing business.
“Expressing your gratitude to the others show them that you really appreciate their effort. It is important to recognize the other ones’ achievements and their hard work to make the company grow, and being thankful is a way to express it”, advised Salomon Juan Marcos Villarreal, president of Grupo Denim.
But why is it so important to be thankful and how positively will it affect businesses? Well, in first place, gratitude will change your mind, to thank the others for a great job means that you are actually paying attention to it and are looking at the positive points of a work done, so if you want to change your mentality for a positive one, you will have to always find the positive on everything that surrounds you.
To be thankful you need to practice, so do this every day thanking the others for small details. You will end up with a day filled of gratitude that will not only change your mind in a positive way but will make the others feel more valued.
When you practice gratitude habits, you stop complaining and start acting, and the same will happen with the people who works for you, so if you want to be quicker on solving problems or taking decisions, start practicing thankfulness right away.
Salomon Juan Marcos Villarreal also said: “Being thankful is contagious, so how great it is to spread positive thoughts everywhere, so start thanking the others genuinely for their jobs, appreciate their efforts and you will have a strong and positive working team”.